Train the Trainer

Improving the Standards of Training

The IMEC Train the Trainer course is designed to provide current maritime instructors with additional skills to take into the classroom. Rather than providing a complete methodology for teaching, it aims to enhance the skills of experienced instructors.

The three week course is delivered online by Southampton Solent University to provide an accessible learning environment. The course is funded through the International Maritime Training Fund (IMTF) and is offered completely FREE of charge for all participants, Members and non-Members alike.

Course Structure

Participants on the course will be required to commit to three full-time teaching weeks, to undertake the following syllabus:

Week 1: Principles of teaching and learning in the context of maritime education and training
During this week, participants will study active learning approaches for competency and skill based learning, which have a high impact. They will learn how to develop collaboration between students, give feedback, measure students’ performance, create an inclusive classroom and reflect on one’s own performance.

Week 2: Enhancing education through real world learning
Participants will look at how simulation can be adopted to create learning environments, how to facilitate student led activities and how to make students more motivated and independent learners.

Week 3: Preparing high functioning and confident seafarers
Participants will be given some time to practice their skills from weeks 1 and 2, before undertaking week 3. In this final stage of the program, participants will learn how to create a sense of belonging in the classroom and the importance of social interactions. Participants will also learn the power of reflective proactive and autobiography for learning, for their continual development.

Courses run throughout the year and academies and individual instructors are invited to register their interest to participate.

If you would like to register for a Train the Trainer Course, please fill out the form below.

Become an IMEC member